Runtime detections

When executing code or applications, it will almost always flow through a runtime, no matter the interpreter. This is most commonly seen when using Windows API calls and interacting with .NET. The CLR (Common Language Runtime) and DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime) are the runtimes for .NET and are the most common you will encounter when working with Windows systems. In this task, there are no discussions on the specifics of runtimes; instead, it will discuss how they are monitored and malicious code is detected.

A runtime detection measure will scan code before execution in the runtime and determine if it is malicious or not. Depending on the detection measure and technology behind it, this detection could be based on string signatures, heuristics, or behaviours. If code is suspected of being malicious, it will be assigned a value, and if within a specified range, it will stop execution and possibly quarantine or delete the file/code.

Runtime detection measures are different from a standard anti-virus because they will scan directly from memory and the runtime. At the same time, anti-virus products can also employ these runtime detections to give more insight into the calls and hooks originating from code. In some cases, anti-virus products may use a runtime detection stream/feed as part of their heuristics.

This task will primarily focus on AMSI(Anti-Malware Scan Interface) . AMSI is a runtime detection measure shipped natively with Windows and is an interface for other products and solutions.

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