Manaing SonarQube and Jenkins
Last updated
Last updated
You can select the bottom option of “continue as admin”
Now go to manage Jenkins and select plugins
Then go to available plugins and type the following
Eclipse Temurin installerVersion1.5
OWASP Dependency-CheckVersion5.5
Docker PipelineVersion572.v950f58993843
CloudBees Docker Build and PublishVersion1.4.0
SonarQube ScannerVersion2.17
Most of these are for CI/CD things which I might integrate later but they are some good to haves now, just to ensure things go ok
Now back to the manage jenkins section and select tools then click add
Provide a name, leave Install automatically checked and choose version 5.0.1 from the Maven Central dropdown box. Now click Apply and Save.
We need to need to generate a SonarQube token. Head over to the SonarQube console and click on the Administration tab, Security then Users.
Select on the far right where it says tokens and then provide a name before then selecting generate
Go back to the Jenkins console and go to Manage Jenkins, Credentials, Global
and Add Credentials.
Now select create
Let’s configure the SonarQube server within System in Manage Jenkins.
Scroll down to SonarQube servers and click on Add SonarQube.
Now provide a name then paste in the SonarQube URL (Public IP of instance + :9000).
And in the Server authentication section, select the token the Apply and Save.
Need to understand why another time.
But what would ideally happen is
and before going to production I would get the SonarQube results here constantly updated
good example is this source
Thank you