What are the different types of malware analysis

Static Analysis

When malware is analyzed without being executed, it is called Static Analysis. In this case, the different properties of the PE file are analyzed without running it. Similarly, in the case of a malicious document, exploring the document's properties without analyzing it will be considered Static Analysis. Examples of static analysis include checking for strings in malware, checking the PE header for information related to different sections, or looking at the code using a disassemble.

Malware often uses techniques to avoid static analysis. Some of these techniques use obfuscation, packing, or other means of hiding its properties. To circumvent these techniques, we often use dynamic analysis.

Dynamic Analysis

Malware faces a dilemma. It has to execute to fulfill its purpose, and no matter how much obfuscation is added to the code, it becomes an easy target for detection once it runs.

Static analysis might provide us with crucial information regarding malware, but sometimes that is not enough. We might need to run the malware in a controlled environment to observe what it does in these cases. Malware can often hide its properties to thwart Static Analysis. However, in most of those cases, Dynamic Analysis can prove fruitful. Dynamic analysis techniques include running the malware in a VM, either in a manual fashion with tools installed to monitor the malware's activity or in the form of sandboxes that perform this task automatically. The advantage here is that since we control the environment, we can configure it to avoid noise, like activity from a legitimate user or Windows Services. Thus, everything we observe in such an environment points to malware activity, making it easier to identify what the malware did in this scenario.

Malware, however, often uses techniques to prevent an analyst from performing dynamic analysis. Since most dynamic analysis is performed in a controlled environment, most methods to bypass dynamic analysis include detecting the environment in which it is being run. Therefore, in these cases, the malware uses a different, benign code path if it identifies that it is being run in a controlled environment.

Advanced Malware Analysis

Advanced malware analysis techniques are used to analyze malware that evades basic static and dynamic analysis. For performing advanced malware analysis, disassemblers and debuggers are used. Disassemblers convert the malware's code from binary to assembly so that an analyst can look at the instructions of the malware statically. Debuggers attach to a program and allow the analyst to monitor the instructions in malware while it is running. A debugger allows the analyst to stop and run the malware at different points to identify interesting pieces of information while also providing an overview of the memory and CPU of the system.

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