Using Burpsuite and creating Reverse shell
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I've got the keys and I can either take them back to my own machine and try top enumerate that way or I can see what else I can find from the AWS CLI
help screen, slight error
correct result. Looks like html entity encoding. I can decode this and see what I get
send to decoder
do a smart decode
Can see the buckets name is website. Now if I want to interact with that I can do so through webshell s3api
Listing all the directories in s3 and then all the information in s3 website. Back to what we initially saw when exploring the site without the shell. which means i might need to write a php script for the server
Script above is what I used output below is what was returned. base64 encoding is utilized to avoid bad characters, in this case the double quote.
Creating a file to save it to
Now that it was saved as a file with no errors. I want to copy it into the S3 website but under a different name. The matching bytes shows it was all copied with no problem
Now with "?ippsec=ls" added to the end we can see the code execution was successful
Now to get a reverse shell
nc -lvnp 9001
Now putting the rs code into burpsuite and I URL encoded it
This confirms the shell is up and running
I can see all the ports currently listening. stands out because it is the only port listening on localhost.
Took me a few tries to get the syntax right because I did not add terms or putty so tabs and directional keys to edit did not work.