Python script and Bash script

Now that I have the username "jason_test_account". Now I need the password. Looking back on the clues I got from the function.phps, the password needs to have a md5 has ending in "001"

Going to need a python script for it.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from hashlib import md5
from string import ascii lowercase
import itertools

counter = 1
while True:
	combinations = intertools.combinations_with_replacement(ascii_lowercase)

	for combo in combinations:
		string = "".join(combo)

		m = md5(string.encode("utf-8"))
		the_hash = m.hexidigest()
		if the_hash.endswith("001"):
			print(string, the_hash)
	counter +=1


Imports are the neccesary libaries needed md5 is for the hashes, ascii lowercase is for the strings I am looking for and intertools allows iterators for efficient looping.

m = md5(string.encode("utf-8")
the_hash = m.hexidigest()

Allows me to see the hash that comes out of each object.

if the_hash.endswith("001"):
    print(string, the_hash)

If the hash ends with the string "001" print it. I can then see it in the terminal. Exit is to close the loop, without it, even if I found the hash, the search could keep going infinitely.

Yeah I failed the code a few times before finally succeeding, I can now use the information Jason_test_account and akbr as well as completing the captcha to move forward.

Last updated