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To allow a more comprehensive view of your AWS deployment, you can aggregate AWS Config data from multiple Config-enabled regions and accounts into one view using aggregators.
To create an aggregator, navigate to the Aggregators page and select Create aggregator.
On the aggregator creation page, you must first check Allow AWS Config to replicate data from source account(s) into an aggregator account to enable aggregation. This gives AWS Config permission to copy data from other recorders. You'll then be able to name your aggregator and select other data sources to include.
When selecting data sources, you have two main options. You can either create a list of accounts to fetch data from, or you can select to import data from all accounts in your organization if you're using AWS Organizations. The latter can only be activated by a user logged into a management account or a registered delegated administrator, and as such, is out of scope for this lab.
To create a list of accounts, you can either use the input box or upload a text file. The list must be comma separated. Once your source is set, you can select regions from these accounts to be included. The regions must have AWS Config enabled to provide data. To include data from other regions of your account, simply add your own account number as the source account and select a different region.
Data collected by these aggregators can then be viewed under the Aggregators page. Each aggregator has its own overview, similar to the Dashboard discussed above.