Creating Jenkins Server
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Now creating the Jenkins server
same security group
ssh into it then start running the following commands
First updating the packages
After Jenkins finishes installing we need to change the port since its default is 8080 and Tomcat is going to need that port.
scroll down to HTTP_PORT=8080 and change it to 8082
After changing the port do not forget to restart jenkins
Now we can grab the public IP of the instance with the port 8082 and verify that Jenkins works.
If for some reason Jenkins is still working on port 8080 after you change it, do the following:
open the file /usr/lib/systemd/system/jenkins.service
search for the content "Environment="JENKINS_PORT=8080
". Change the port number to your desired
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart jenkins.service
The password was provided initially but if you did not save it then, you can type
Enter the password and select Install suggested plugins.